BEGINNER’S GUIDE FOR LINUX – Start Learning Linux in Minutes

Welcome to the exclusive edition of “BEGINNER’S GUIDE FOR LINUX” by TecMint, this course module is specially designed and compiled for those beginners, who want to make their way into the Linux learning process and do the best in today’s IT organizations.

This courseware is created as per the requirements of the industrial environment with complete entrance to Linux, which will help you to build great success in Linux.

We have given special priority to Linux commands and switches, scripting, services, and applications, access control, process control, user management, database management, web services, etc.

Even though the Linux command line provides thousands of commands, but only a few basic commands you need to learn to perform day-to-day tasks in the Linux operating system.


All students must have a little understanding of computers and a passion to learn new technology.


This courseware is presently supported on the latest releases of Linux distributions like Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Rocky/Alma Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, etc.

Linux Course Objectives

Section 1: Introduction To Linux and OS Installations

Section 2: Essential Basic Linux Commands

Section 3: Essentials of Advance Linux Commands

Section 4: Some More Advanced Linux Commands

Section 5: User, Group, and File Permissions Management

Section 6: Linux Package Management

Section 7: System Monitoring & Cron Scheduling

Section 8: Linux Archiving/Compression, Backup/Sync and Recovery

Archiving/Compression Files
Backup/Sync Files and Directories in Linux
Backup/Recovery Linux Filesystems

Section 9: Linux File System / Network Storage Management

Section 10: Linux LVM Management

Section 11: Linux RAID Management

Section 12: Manage Services in Linux

Section 13: Linux System Security and Firewall

Linux Security and Tools
Linux Firewall and Tools

Section 14: LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB and PHP) Setup’s

Section 15: LEMP (Linux, Nginx, MySQL/MariaDB and PHP) Setup’s

Section 16: MySQL/MariaDB Administration

Section 17: Basic Shell Scripting

Section 18: Linux Interview Questions

Section 19: Shell Scripting Interview Questions

Section 20: Free Linux Books for Learning

Section 21: Linux Certifications – Preparation Guides

Do let us know if you want to include any specific Linux howto, guides, or tips in this Linux learning guide. Don’t forget to join our social communities and subscribe to our Email newsletter for more such how-to’s.

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Ravi Saive
I am an experienced GNU/Linux expert and a full-stack software developer with over a decade in the field of Linux and Open Source technologies

Each tutorial at TecMint is created by a team of experienced Linux system administrators so that it meets our high-quality standards.

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  1. Dear Sir,

    I am interested in building my own PC to run Linux systems, specifically for tasks related to Astronomy, Architecture, and Advanced Mathematics. Could you please provide guidance on the necessary components and the recommended order for assembly?

    Thank you for your assistance.

    • @Albert,

      To build a Linux PC for your needs, you’ll need components like a CPU, GPU, RAM, storage, motherboard, and power supply. The order of assembly typically starts with the motherboard and CPU, followed by RAM, GPU, storage, and power supply.

      Don’t forget to install your chosen Linux distribution once it’s assembled. Feel free to ask for more details

  2. Hi Ravi

    The index looks very extensive.

    Is the book available as pdf? BEGINNER’S GUIDE FOR LINUX – Start Learning Linux in Minutes


    • @Ghokul,

      The book is currently under progress, and we are working actively to ensure it provides valuable insights for beginners. Once it’s ready, we’ll make sure to offer it in PDF format.

      Stay tuned for updates!”

  3. Thank You,

    I think this guide is excellent, (I am a beginner in Linux) I am very interested in the Linux world, and I will try to dedicate the necessary time to complete it,

    Thank you very much for your contribution.

  4. Hi Ravi

    The index looks very extensive.

    Is the book available as pdf? BEGINNER’S GUIDE FOR LINUX – Start Learning Linux in Minutes


  5. Some glitches need to be addressed. There are some things like getting into a multi-line command prompt that is not beginner-friendly. Need to express how and why that works and most importantly how to get out of it.

    Would really appreciate a more detailed approach for newbies.

  6. Having an issue with symlinks being created broken. Following along with ln -s /var/www/html htm and ends up broken as indicated by red with a black background.

    Have effectively deleted the dangling link but can’t understand why it’s being created broken and/or how to fix it. Have been digging through many pages but coming up empty.

    This is a great site that you have established for newbies and am extending my appreciation for what you’ve done here. Hope you can help me with this. Thanks.

  7. Thanks for your great work in helping the masses get a better understanding of Linux. I’ve just bought you a few coffees and I would like to suggest and urge anyone else who has also found your TecMint website both useful and helpful to them, to do likewise, with some more coffees for you. Keep up your great work, it is very much appreciated. Regards, William.

  8. My Brain is Tired ……..

    I have no interest in programming since I’m over 70 and have been using Windows forever. I put in a blocker that supposedly keeps 10 out so I’m looking for something simple that will run some old windows things.

    I used to be able to save whole pages with ease but I think that’s a Firefox browser issue. I thought that some easy form of Linux might be able to mimic the old IE without inviting in spies which is a major problem these days.

    Shifting gears: I tried to set up (I think it was) Zorin but found that I needed something to show my passwords etc instead of dots. Immediately after that I would have taken a screenshot (which wasn’t available) and put it into a nonexistent folder. That was NO fun. I have a copy of Elementary OS version 5.1.2 x 64. Should I bother with it?

  9. Am I the only one who can’t seem to find the “buy” button for the “Learn Linux in One Week” ebook?

    Maybe I’m blind, but I just don’t see the “buy” button.

  10. Thanks billion for sharing this valuable knowledge with us. Believe me, no one is ready to share this type of vast knowledge for free. Love Team. Again Thanks trillion.

    • I’d like a PDF of these documents too. I want to have my phone screen reader read them out to me while I commute to and from work and a PDF is good for that.


      • Hello Abdul,

        Can you please share the pdf documents of Linux so that I can read comfortably through my phone? I generally feel that pdf is the best source to read anything.

        Sahil Arya

  11. Hello Ravi,

    Thank you very much for sharing. This is a very comprehensive Linux beginner’s guide.

    Regards and stay safe,

  12. Dear Ravi

    I need your help…

    I am new user of Linux.

    I installed Q4OS, every time I need to update the software, it asks me to put the password for (Authentication) to be able to update the software.

    at the top of the screen, it is saying: policykit1-KDE agent

    kindly can you please tell me how to stop this every time I need to update the password.

    my kindest regards

    • That is for security to prevent unauthorized access to your system. If you disable password checking or allow password-less access to your system, anybody will be able to install or upgrade software on your system. You will not be able to control what they install.

  13. In Section 1, the fifth point is “Installation of latest Virtual box on Linux”. Not “Installation of CentOS on Virtual box”. Please change the topic on this page.

  14. Hi Ravi,

    I am also try to complete my certification in Advance Linux programming become a Linux Security programmer. please suggest me which certification is best for become a Linux programmer in security. share me hierarchy which is 1st certification and remaining.

    Overall this article is useful to me. for next study. Thanks

  15. In case you’d like to do the edits: all the instances of “advance” should be “advanced”. “Advance” is a verb, meaning to go forward. “Advanced” is an adjective meaning highly developed or complex.

    (Just to make it confusing: “advanced” is also the he past tense of “advance”: “The army advanced on the enemy.”)

  16. I am a young boy who just finished metric and I am very good at computers buildup and repairing to exploring i would like to learn more about LINUX.

  17. Hello Sir,

    I an an E&TC Engineering Student & I am very Desperate to learn Linux because Linux is my Dream, so Even i want to learn from Your Website, is these a free website for learning ?

    • @Rehan,

      This article coves everything from basic to advance on Linux, you will nowhere find such comprehensive list of topics for newbies on Linux..

    • @Tanmoy,

      Oops are you kidding me? this Linux site is one of the leading site for Linux community since last 5 years, which has over 4 million visitors a month.

  18. Hi, I don’t have words to thank for your help, i just started as fresher in Linux . Your blog had cleared most of the doubts and helped me solve my issue. Again thanks for your help.

  19. Ravi…

    THANK YOU!!! So much for this wealth of information, all your knowledge, research and time spent building this site.

    But most of all having the generosity to share all this knowledge, resources and the tools you offer new guys like me.

    Especially the cheat sheets and tricks that helps make it quicker and easier to get started right away for newbies like me .

    This site is awesome!!! And so are you man! Thanks a million!

  20. Congratulation Ravi, You have a huge of information to learn everything about Linux. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with all of us.

    • @Bhavik,

      What new information on Linux? what do you mean? this guide has everything from beginning to expert, just go through it learn step-by-step sections as explained here..

    • @Fadhiel,

      Go for Fedora or Linux Mint, these two distributions are good for newbies who want to make mark in Linux world..

  21. As much as I’d love to be able to download your free tutorials; if they’re anything like the online tutorials I’m sure they’d be very instructive. But inasmuch as I am not prepared to provide the (surprisingly) large amount of personal data in order to download them, I guess I’ll have to be satisfied with your newsletter and web articles.

    I am quite concerned that you would require so much user information in order to download something you claim is free. I suggest to you that it is not; that the cost is being willing to relinquish personal details as the price.

    Sorry if that’s negative, I’m still looking forward to reading more of your online articles and newsletter. The download requirements just close the door for me as an option that’s all.

    • @Robert,

      I really understand your concerns about giving away personal information, but trust us your personal information won’t be shared with anyone, they are just used to send newsletters and offers on weekly basis.

  22. Awesome Website that covers almost anything on Linux. As a beginner in Linux, I benefited from this site. Thank you so much!!!

  23. Do you guys have “BEGINNER’S GUIDE FOR LINUX – Start Learning Linux in Minutes” in a pdf form, it has been very helpful in helping me to understand Linux better. Please let me know if you have it in pdf

  24. Whilst this may be a great beginners guide for someone who is looking to use Linux for a career as a sysadmin or similar, it’s not ideal for those just wanting to use Linux on their desktop computer.

    • @A Ross:
      If all you want to do is run Linux programs on your desktop PC, do a default install of Mint, Zorin or Ubuntu and start using the applications provided. However, let me ask you a couple of questions – What are you going to do when you run into problems? Who is going to administer your computer then? Are you going to go to a repair shop? Chances are all most repair shop know is Windows.

      Nobody says you must learn everything before you can use Linux. This is a comprehensive A-Z guide for all readers of Tecmint; for those that, like you, just want to use Linux and for those that will make a career of it. Think of this guide as an encyclopedia. Would you throw out the entire Britannica just because most of it is not relevant to your needs? Just like with an encyclopedia, take what you need/want and disregard the rest.

  25. Hello,

    BEGINNER’S GUIDE FOR LINUX – Start Learning Linux in Minutes is amazing. Thank a ton for sharing.

    Do you have VMware courses or any documentation, I am totaly new to vmware and I want to learn.

  26. I am at basic level on Linux, I still wondering which distro should I choose to learn I once installed and running and Fedora and CentOS with tutorial from internet. And btw why your course material choose to teach CentOs distribution instead of Ubuntu.

    • @Djemmy

      You can start with Linux Mint or Ubuntu, these are recommended and beginner-friendly Linux distributions under the Debian family. If you want to start under the RedHat ecosystem, i would recommend you start with Fedora.

      About the tutorials, we also teach Ubuntu Linux as well, you can find Ubuntu tutorials in abundance on this site, navigate the site and you will find what you want concerning major Linux distros.

      Thanks for getting in touch.

  27. OMG! This is for beginners????? My brain just melted looking at the ‘course objectives’. All I want is a safe and private OS so that evil Microsoft stop spying on me. I do not have the brain to take this in… at all. This has seriously scared me off. NOT good

    • @Marie,

      Yes, the courseware is deigned for beginners only, but the course starts from basic level to more advance expert level..

  28. I am having a problem installing virtual box and VMware in my laptop. I have Windows 7 64-bit OS. please help. I am taking training for Red Hat System Administrator.

    • @Rohit,

      Could you tell us clearly what problem you getting while installing Virtualbox and VMWare? so that we can help you out with solution..

  29. i am a retiree of over 70 years old. i have a bit of old Unix base mini computer back in the day when a corporation want to to serious computer they have to install sun, dec or other minis that run on Unix. i happen to be in the Canadian arm forces so i was exposed to the Unix world.

    so i am a retired and getting tire of the ms os because of their cost and hard to know what the os is doing in the back while the actual application is working. i am looking to migrate back the Unix/Linux world.

    but i have left the Unix world for too long. i had try my hand on red hat, Debian, Ubuntu…etc, a while back when it was popular. so i was trying to download some of the such free manuals as Linux for beginners, Linux bible above.

    but it require me to enter company name, the number of employees, and my position in the company…etc. if i don’t enter any of that it will not let me to download them. is there a way around that?

  30. Dear Ravi,

    At first I want you to Thank You for the work you have done.
    I am a windows System Admin having over 4 years of experience working in windows environment and little bit in Linux.
    Well now I found myself attracting towards Linux as it works mainly with commands.
    I don’t have any knowledge of Linux nor Programming.
    But i am very much interested in learning Linux to its core and side by side i want to learn Programming also.
    Past 7 months I was looking for tutorials that will take me to mastering Linux.
    But none of them was in a sequential manner that would motivate me learning the next section.
    And now when I found your site, Woooooow my mind said!!!
    This is the only Tutorial i was searching for past 7 months.
    Your Tutorial for Linux is in a very Systematic manner, Sequential Manner, Clearly conceptual, Easy in a Language and It has everything that a Master Mentor should have to give knowledge to any Newbie who is Passionate about it.
    You are really a Linux Guru and I Salute you for this.

    Thank You So Much Ravi,

  31. Hello! This is the best Linux tutorial I have found till now, thank you! This is a high-quality content.
    I appreciate your Hard work..

    • @Santosh,

      Thanks for appreciating our work and tutorials, hope it will help you to learn Linux and make career in Linux.

    • @Mahmud,

      Thanks a ton for finding this guide useful to you and thanks for appreciating our work and don’t forget to share this article with your friends on social network..

    • @Vishnu,

      Thanks for liking and we’re regularly updating this guide with new stuff, just keep exploring and don’t forget to share with your all Linux friends..

  32. Good day to you Ravi, I was just curious, I don’t suppose you have a method for creating a book out of all this info?…it would do much to further enhance the knowledge of quite a few hundred thousand Sys Admins who are looking to improve their Linux skills. I’m just wondering, not something you need to put on the front burner, but I guess if you should ever run into someone who had the ability to do it, maybe just run it by them to see if it’s feasible?….You could sell if right from your site here, and you’d make money on it….THAT’S for sure!


    Eddie G.

  33. Sir,
    Good day!
    I am newbie in linux, i really want to learn and use linux and also i want to setup proxy server in our company that control allow and block IP address to access internet, but i don’t how to setup and configure using linux, go you have guide or tuitorial for this.
    I’m choosing between fedora, centos and ubuntu, please help.


  34. Hello Sir,
    I am very much happy about the compilation of post you have done as a Linux course on this page. I am a Linux lover. I want to keep all these posts as a PDF document (or any format). If you can provide me PDFs of all these post without comment, I will be very grateful to you.
    Hope you understand my needs of these documents.


    • @Rajat,

      I am glad that you found this page very useful, but due to large collections of posts its very difficult for me to convert them into PDF format. I hope you understand, but may I know why you want them in PDF? when you can easily access it anytime, anywhere from this page..


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