How to Use Ansible Modules for System Administration Tasks – Part 6

In this Part 6 of Ansible Series, we have covered a few Ansible modules in the past topics, we will now go deeper and discover additional modules that are helpful in performing a number of system administration tasks.

You will get a basic idea of each module and look at the options available for accomplishing certain tasks.

1. Managing Software Packages and Repositories in Ansible

When installing packages on Linux systems, different distributions come with different package managers. For RedHat distributions, we have yum & dnf while for Debian flavors, there’s apt.

Ansible comes with a module called package, which eliminates the need for using different package managers for different systems. It automatically uses the corresponding package manager of the host system, thereby making work easier.

Install Software Packages

For example, to install htop in a group of hosts comprising both Debian & RedHat distros use the package module as shown in the install_htop.yml playbook below.

- name: Install htop on Ubuntu and CentOS
  hosts: all

- package:
         name: htop
         state: installed
Install Software Using Ansible Package Module
Install Software Using Ansible Package Module

NOTE: Package names may differ from one operating system to another. For example, we have httpd in Redhat distributions and Apache2 for Debian/Ubuntu systems all of which denote the Apache webserver. Therefore, extra caution should be taken when passing these packages. Usually, it’s best to use variables or conditional statements.

2. Managing Services Using Ansible

Next, we have a service module, which is used for managing services on Linux systems. It’s used to start, stop or restart a service. You can also use it to enable a service so that when a system boots, it automatically starts the service.

Start and Enable a Service

For example, to start & enable Apache webserver on RHEL 8, use the service as shown.

- name: Start and enable httpd service
  hosts: webservers

- service:
         name: httpd
         state: started
	    enabled: yes
Manage Services with Ansible
Manage Services with Ansible

Stop a Service

To stop httpd service, pass the stopped attribute.

- name: Stop httpd service
  hosts: webservers

- service:
         name: httpd
         state: stopped
Stop Service with Ansible
Stop Service with Ansible

Restart a Service

To restart httpd service, pass the restarted attribute.

- name: Restart httpd service
  hosts: webservers

- service:
         name: httpd
         state: restarted
Restart Service with Ansible
Restart Service with Ansible

3. Managing Firewall with Ansible

Another important task system administrators undertake is the management of the firewall. In Ansible playbooks, this has been made much easier with firewalld and ufw modules. You can configure the firewall to allow or block a port or service or even a source address.

Let’s jump in and have a look at a few examples:

Open/block Port 80 in firewalld

- name: Allow port 80 
  hosts: webservers
	port: 80/tcp
     permanent: yes
     state: enabled

In the playbook above, port 80 is allowed across the firewall.

The option permanent: yes enforces the firewall rule and makes it persistent across reboots. However, this rule does not apply immediately. It only comes into effect after a reboot. To enforce the rule immediately, use the option immediate: yes.

To specify the addresses allowed, use the source: statement.

- firewalld:
    zone: public
    state: enabled

To specify a range of ports to be allowed to use the port option as follows:

- firewalld:
    port: 213-567/udp
    permanent: yes
    state: enabled

To block the port change the state option to disabled as shown:

	port: 80/tcp
     permanent: yes
     state: disabled

Add/Block a Service in firewalld

Apart from adding/blocking a port, you can also apply the same rules to a service. And it’s quite simple. Just use the service module and append the service to be added and ensure that the state option is set to enabled.

- firewalld:
    service: https
    permanent: true
    state: enabled

To block the service set the state option to disabled.

- firewalld:
    service: https
    permanent: true
    state: disabled

4. Archiving Files or Folders with Ansible

Archiving refers to the compression of a file or folder to a format that is easily portable and smaller in size. Ansible ships with a module called archive. Compressing a file is about as easy as it gets. All that is required is to specify the source path of the file and the destination of the compressed file.

Compress a Directory

Consider a playbook compress.yml below.

- hosts: webservers

    • name: Compress a folder
        path: /opt/data/web
        dest: /tmp/web.gz

The above playbook compresses the /opt/data/web directory and saves it to /tmp/web.gz.

Create Archive with Ansible
Create Archive with Ansible

Compress a Directory with Format

The default compression format is .gz, however, this can be specified using the format attribute. Sample the next Playbook.

- hosts: webservers

  - name: Create a zip archive 
     path: /opt/data/web
     dest: /tmp/web
     format: zip

The playbook above compresses /opt/data/web directory to /tmp/

Uncompress a File

You can also uncompress a compressed file using the unarchive attribute. Consider the playbook below.

- hosts: webservers

 - name:Uncompress /tmp/web.gz to/opt directory  on Ansible controller
     src: /tmp/web.bz2
     dest: /opt/

The playbook above uncompresses the file /opt/data/web.gz to /opt on the Ansible controller.

Uncompress a File on Remote Node

To specify the remote source system use the remote_src=yes option.

- hosts: webservers

 - name:Uncompress /tmp/web.bz2 to/opt on remote host
     src: /tmp/web.bz2
     dest: /opt/

The playbook above uncompresses the file /tmp/web.bz2 on the remote node to the /opt/ directory.

5. Schedule Tasks with Ansible

The cron module helps in scheduling jobs in Ansible Playbooks.

Create a Scheduled Task

Consider the playbook below.

- hosts: webservers

 - name: Create a scheduled task
     name: Run employee attendance
     job: sh /opt/scripts/
     month: 4
     day: 5
     hour: 17
     minute: 00

The playbook runs the attendance script on April 5th at 5:00 pm.

Schedule a Script on Specific Date

If you want to schedule this script to run only if the 5th day of April is a Monday, then use the weekday: 1 attribute. 0 denotes Sunday and 6 denotes Saturday according to cron notation.

month: 4
day: 5
hour: 17
minute: 00
weekday: 1

An asterisk (*) in any of these fields indicates any value.

Run a Job on a Date

To run the job on April 5th at 5:00 pm no matter what the weekday is, use the time parameters as shown.

month: 4
day: 5
hour: 17
minute: 00
weekday: *

Execute a Job on Specific Day on Every Month

To execute the cron job on the 5th day of every month at 5:00 pm use the settings below.

month: *
day: 5
hour: 17
minute: 00
weekday: *

Execute a Job on Daily

To execute the cron job daily at 5:00 pm set the time settings as shown:

month: *
day: *
hour: 17
minute: 00
weekday: *

Execute a Job on Every 5 Hours

To execute the cron job every 5 hours, use the step value */5 as shown.

month: *
day: *
hour: */5
minute: *
weekday: *

6. Manage Users and Groups with Ansible

You can also manage users and groups inside Ansible playbooks quite effortlessly.

Create a New User

To create a new user, use the user module as shown.

- hosts: webservers

 - name: Create a new user
     name: Jack

You can also add additional options such as UID, groups.

- name: Create a new user
      name: Jack
      comment: Jack Peters
          uid:   1002
      group: administrators
      shell:  /bin/bash

Remove a User

To remove the user, use the remove: yes statement.

- name: Remove the user 'Jack'
    name: Jack
    state: absent
    remove: yes

Create a New Group

To create a new group, use the group module.

- name: Create a group
    name: developers

7. Create Files and Directories with Ansible

To create files of directories, use the file module.

Create a New Directory

For example, to create a new directory.

- hosts: webservers

  - name: Create a new directory
     path: /opt/app
     state: directory

You can add other attributes such as owner, group and file permissions.

- hosts: webservers

  - name: Create a new directory
     path: /opt/web
     state: directory
     owner: www-data
     group: www-data
     mode: 0644

Additionally, you can create directories recursively using the recurse: yes statement.

- hosts: webservers

  - name: Create directories recursively
     path: /opt/web/app
     state: directory
     owner: www-data
     group: www-data
     mode: 0644
recurse: yes

Create a File

To create a file, use the state: touch option.

- hosts: webservers

  - name: Create a new file
     path: /opt/web/index.html
     state: touch
owner: www-data
     group: www-data
     mode: 0644

8. Managing Storage with Ansible

The lvg module is used to configure LVM volumes and groups.

Create an LVM Volume Group

Consider the playbook below:

- hosts: webservers
    • name: Create lVM volume group
 vg: vg1
 pvs: /dev/sda1
 pesize: 32

This creates a volume group on top of /dev/sda1 partition with a physical extent size of 32 MB.

Once created, use the lvol module to create a logical volume as shown

Create a Logical Volume

    - hosts: webservers

       - name: Create lVM volume
    vg: vg1
    lv: lvol1
    pvs: /dev/sda1

9. Managing File Systems with Ansible

To create a file system on a block device, use the filesystem module.

Create a Filesystem

The playbook below creates the filesystem type of xfs on the block volume.

    - hosts: webservers

       - name: Create a filesystem
           fstype: xfs
           dev: /dev/vg1/lvol1

Mount a Filesystem

You can next proceed to mount the block volume using the mount module as shown in the playbook below:

    - hosts: webservers

       - name: Mount a filesystem
           fstype: xfs
           src: /dev/vg1/lvol1
           path: /opt/web
           state: mounted

This concludes the topic. We have covered various system administration tasks that can be accomplished by specific built-in modules in Ansible Playbooks.

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James Kiarie
This is James, a certified Linux administrator and a tech enthusiast who loves keeping in touch with emerging trends in the tech world. When I'm not running commands on the terminal, I'm taking listening to some cool music. taking a casual stroll or watching a nice movie.

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